I'm listening to The Falcon...their albumn called Unicornography! I love it! It's like.....punk with a bit of pop, a bit of rockabilly, and a touch of ska (but not in an offensive manner!).
Packing and cleaning. The hell never ends, people!
Sonata Arcitca was so good last nite! As was Ensiferum! I was really bopping a long and enjoying myself, looking from time to time at Chris who frequently had a large cheesy grin plastered On his face. tehe <3! Twords the end of the nite, however, that smile was sometimes replaced by large yawns. Such a sleepy fella.
Talked to my dad today. He was in a strange mood. Like he was joking with me but it was so hard to tell, and I already don't know how to behave when I talk with him cause you never really know what type of mood he's going to be in. It felt like he was trying to make me mad so he could then pick a fight with me. *sigh*
We start moving in our crap this Friday! HOORAY! Hahaha. Not really. I have to spend all Friday cleaning the new place (thanks to my mom I'm a paranoid freak about that stuff, though I'm still somehow a slob. oh well. I'm a mystery! Hahaha). I'll be keeping drinks in an esky I bought recently. I wonder if I'll feel like Hank Hill?
Still waiting to get the ok so we can get kittens. I will accept nothing but an ok. Because that's how the place was advertised...and for them to then say no, no pets allowed, then as far as I'm concerned that's false advertisement and abuse of the terms of the contract (reasonably they cannot refuse us permission). What especially irks me is that Ragdolls are such good cats. It's unheard of for them to get their claws out besides for scratching posts. They're so gentle and mild, and can even take the abuse of small annoying children (much like I was haha) without reaction. PLUS, we're going to get them from a breeder, who doesn't let you have them until about 3 months after they've been litter trained and everything. *sigh*....
BUT. I will stay positive here!