Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bonjour Sherbet!

Thought I'd post a few of the things I've been screwing around with lately.

Simple drawing on mdf coaster. I was going for a pastel parisian look...kinda fails but it was good for a start :) The colours remind me of Sherbet ice cream....:D

Second one I did....I quite like it! I realise that I do need to address the background issue with this one. Also the character looks to finished. Part of the beauty of mdf is the colour, so to cover it up completely is a shame.....and the characters always look beautiful a bit undone.

Unfinished as of yet....just another test. Balloons! In this one I like the unfinished aspect.

This is an earlier work in my Lincoln refer to the unifinished look that goes so well on mdf. I can see now how much my white outlining technique has changed...I've made it too tight now....this sketchier version is much nicer.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lovehearts :)

My Lady and I at Hungry Jacks at the Melbourne airport.....ahhhhh......I miss her so much already.

Grad Show was was pretty intense! I had a mild panic attack just seeing all the people everywhere, most people I didn't recognize. Turns out it was an understatement when Jack said there's a huge turnout. woah. haha.

There was so much art work, so much hard work everybody put into the show. It was really impressive, inspiring, and tiring doing all that walking and intense gazing!!

Me and Chris mostly stayed to ourselves as I had no clue what to talk about with people. I noticed a trend where the artists would stand in front of or around their own work..Well, I thought that was a bit weird, so I didn't stand near mine, though I was dying to hear what people had to say about it (it's ok to snoop if it's your own work!). Alas, I won no awards, which I knew would happen since Abe isn't exactly big news in Australia (another reason why I'll always be proud of being an American, next to free refills and Walgreens!).

I didn't expect how strange I'd feel to have won nothing. I felt like maybe my work is just laughably bad. Of course, as Chris told me, I'm definitely not the only one who didn't win anything. And in the end, I enjoyed myself, and the experience, and I feel proud to have been able to represent Mr. Lincoln in Australia. 

I realised tonite I'll never be entirely satsified until one day, hopefully, I'll meet Lincoln himself in eternity and give him a bear hug unlike any he's ever had!

It feels bittersweet....I don't think the reality of everything has dawned on me....the fact that school is over with for now and I'm floating out slowly untethered from everything I've known. Brings to mind that Free Falling song...Tom Petty right?

Well, it's late...Nite all :)

Monday, November 23, 2009


After almost 2 weeks stay here, my lady V is now officially on her way back to America.

It felt really strange coming home to an empty apartment last nite....and equally strange not seeing V on the couch today...not hearing her laugh and ask me questions I never could have thought up.

I don't know what to say about seeing her again...besides that I am so grateful to have been able to, and thankful for V coming here. It feels a bit more like home here, knowing that she approves of Melbourne and enjoyed herself here.

We didn't get to see too much together, as I had so much more work to do for the Grad Show (which opens this being 3.42 am Monday morning.), but I did try to show her around as much as I could and had such a fun time even just watching tv with her.

There were some issues yesterday when she got to Sydney.... she had a 24hour wait for her next flight, and wound up getting kicked out of the sydney airport (apparently it closes from about 11om to 4 am due to "curfew" so as not to create too much noise pollution late at nite...sheeesh....) and then couldn';t find a hostel with any rooms for the night and so had to stay outside the airport for a few hours......Ughhhh. I got so damn scared, since there was no way to contact her.. Chris helped me call airport security and try to track her down cause I had no idea if she found a safe place to stay. But she did give me a call like 5 hours later saying she was fine but had to sleep outside.

I'm eagerly awaiting a text from her when she arrives at LAX, I'm thinking some time around 9 am my time.

Still feels like none of it ever happened....saying goodbye was midly easier from the first time. but didn't hurt any less really.I felt so empty walking out of the airport alone.

Well...time for bed now I think. I'm anxious about the grad show tomorrow.....I'm worried everyone's getting dressed up fancy and all I have is a hideous snoop dogg shirt I bought last week......hahahaha......I;m also nervous about the apparent crowd that's going to be there....and whether or not I'll sell anything. Only time will tell....ooooooOo. haha

Friday, November 20, 2009

First Look!

It's been a long long time! So I update now with a few pictures from my installation :D! The Grad Show is Monday.....I am so nervous.... :-O

I'll put better pictures up after the opening on Monday :) I would love to hear any comments and critiques at the moment :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Less than a day left...

... Until Vanessa enters the Land of Oz!

I've got so much to feels completely like a dream.

Grocery shopping and buying new pants today, then back home to cleancleanclean.

It'll be an early morning tomorrow! 

Friday, November 6, 2009


MAN what a week!

It feels like it's been months! That's how taxing it's been.

Spent like 3 days painting disgusting bird-crap walls white. thenan another day to paint my installation wall purple. Then another day to install my work...then another day to tweak things for my review. THEN today went to measure everything and labour over how to price my work.

I have never priced any of my work before. And it's A LOT harder than it seems. you don't want to undercharge or overcharge, and there are so many factors to consider. I think I changed all my prices at least 3-4 times. It also gives you a bit of a nauseating feeling, trying to put a price on something so personal.

After our assessment, a bunch of us met up at Riverland, a really nice little bar along the Yarra river. I tried cider for the first time, which was tasty! and had so much fan chatting with everyone and telling crude stories (naturally!) and generally unwinding after all the work. Nick's girlfriend brought us celebratory chocolate cupcakes with candles...heeheehee....! At one point Jack pretended to propose to me. That brought so many lols, it was AWESOME. I really want to meet up with everyone all the time and just kick back and talk shop!

My beautiful lady best friend Vanessa is going to be here in Oz in a matter of 3 days! I am still in shock that seeing V again is truly reality. I don't really have words!

I am loving my Kindle like crazy. After a hitch, which I worked out thanks to the magic of the internet, it's working beautifully again and I find myself addicted. If I'm sitting idly about, I immediately reach for it. and I think I've downloaded about 56746 samples of books. I got a beautiful lime green case for it as well, and will probably be ordering a skin for it to protect the actual device from scratches and colour warping.

I've got a few pictures of my installation so far, but too lazy to get them off my computer (took em on my phone, so it's annoying to get to them). so tomorrow!
