My Lady and I at Hungry Jacks at the Melbourne airport.....ahhhhh......I miss her so much already.
Grad Show was tonite.....wow...it was pretty intense! I had a mild panic attack just seeing all the people everywhere, most people I didn't recognize. Turns out it was an understatement when Jack said there's a huge turnout. woah. haha.
There was so much art work, so much hard work everybody put into the show. It was really impressive, inspiring, and tiring doing all that walking and intense gazing!!
Me and Chris mostly stayed to ourselves as I had no clue what to talk about with people. I noticed a trend where the artists would stand in front of or around their own work..Well, I thought that was a bit weird, so I didn't stand near mine, though I was dying to hear what people had to say about it (it's ok to snoop if it's your own work!). Alas, I won no awards, which I knew would happen since Abe isn't exactly big news in Australia (another reason why I'll always be proud of being an American, next to free refills and Walgreens!).
I didn't expect how strange I'd feel to have won nothing. I felt like maybe my work is just laughably bad. Of course, as Chris told me, I'm definitely not the only one who didn't win anything. And in the end, I enjoyed myself, and the experience, and I feel proud to have been able to represent Mr. Lincoln in Australia.
I realised tonite I'll never be entirely satsified until one day, hopefully, I'll meet Lincoln himself in eternity and give him a bear hug unlike any he's ever had!
It feels bittersweet....I don't think the reality of everything has dawned on me....the fact that school is over with for now and I'm floating out slowly untethered from everything I've known. Brings to mind that Free Falling song...Tom Petty right?
Well, it's late...Nite all :)