I had class yesterday as well as a counselling session with Darryl, so I took my new stuff in and took photos in my studio again. (more below).
My appointment with Darryl was so great. We spent most of the 30 minutes laughing.....I am proud to say I made him laugh uproariously several times :) Well, mostly a story about Lincoln that I retold to him made him laugh. LOL. He told me about how he's joined a singing group and they were choosing some unconventional songs to sing instead of your typical fodder. He is such a cool dude!
The best thing about the appointment was the redoubled realisation of the importance of smiling and laughing. When I talk with someone and we share a moment of amusement, I always feel restored, and I can't help but wonder if it made that person's day brighter too.
Class was alright. The discussion was actually entertaining somewhat. It's funny how the discussions after watching the movie always make the movie sound much more interesting than it actually is at the time of watching it. I'm pretty happy because I chose a movie that was made from a book I read that I really liked. I hope that the movie is good as well. It's fun to actually do a presentation about something you actually like. Imagine that!
Speaking of presentations...I have my lecture on Monday, and I don't really have anything prepared. Blegggggh. It doesn't seem too hard at least but I feel like it's kinda a waste of time.
I hate Fear Factor....and this particular episode features like 6 washed out Playboy models. Legit former playboy models from the 90s. I have to wonder how necessary this was when in the regular version of the show they always have at least 4 girls that look just as trashy. It's kind of embarassing how the show feels it needs to have girls in bikinis in order to garner ratings.
I really love the band The Summer Obsession. They make me smile! They remind me of Corey for some reason....just happy and sweet and so full of hope!
I did a bit of reading about self-hypnosis last nite. I tried it and I was surprised at how poor my concentration is. You'll be amazed if you try to meditate, how hard it actually is to concentrate because your mind is just flicking back and forth over the dumbest things. One thing is for certain though, if you have trouble sleeping, learn self hypnosis!
Now on to pictures!
Like my terrible paint job? Hahaha. I just did it quickly a few days ago to get an idea of how the images would look with the colour. What do you think??
Closer look. As you can see, I've added the new stuff :) This isn't the final layout of course, I'm still screwing around with it. It's fun to reposition everything :D!
Better angle to see the stuff on the partition (wall on the right). I'm not too sure if I'm going to keep the stars. Everything on the walls is handmade so it's a bit weird having these perfectly-shaped stars. Maybe it's too much and makes it too girly?
I'm also a bit worried about the wall colour. It looks the best out of the ones I tested in photoshop, but I was concerned it makes the whole work look like posters hanging up in a girl's room. I figure since I have alot of objects and drawings, it covers up most of the paint so the colour is more like an accent. The trouble is, most of the other colours would look like a kid's room too. and I didn't want to go dark because that would be a bit too somber. I dunno...overall I like this colour I think.
Rainbow chucks! Oh....how I love rainbows! If I could, I'd wrap myself up in a rainbow<3
I've got a tute with Merrin today 30mins before class. I don't want to meet up with her really. I'm over tutorials besides the possible technical advice I could get from them. Conceptually, I'm tired of having my head fiddled with. I'll just have to try to be strong :)
Now I must order some smiley face and scratch and sniff stickers! WOO!!
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