So my first critique of the semester was yesterday. Here's how it went down!
I was anxious as all hell, and found myself pretty awkward around the two others who were also putting their work up. I realised: I've forgotten how to interract with people. Luckily it got better as the day went on.
So I set up my stuff in a somewhat organised manner, brought supplimentary materials, as well as the felt version of myself.
I chatted a bit with Nick as well as he was one of the first to filter in. Apparently, a couple years ago he would suffer copious amounts of anxiety, to the point where he also found it hard to leave his house (though not in the agoraphopbic way, which is the same as me). I suggested we meet up some time for lunch or something and have a chat, also about collaborating on something. I truly admire and respect and connect with Nick, so I would love to be able to work with him.
I wound up being the first one up. I was really amazed by the suggestions that came in. First off, one girl suggested a type of paper to use, which is also apparently a cheaper paper (rejoice!). she also asked if I did any watercolour...and I said yes, and I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted to do in order to be able to make larger works, because watercolour paper (cold press, which is really the only watercolour paper I like to use because the warping doesn't look nearly as bad) kinda bothers me. Others commented on my use of coloured pencil, and one girl, Brooke, seemed to really like it and encouraged me to keep using them. She said there was something basic and childlike about coloured pencils whcih lended that quality to my drawings. We also talked about framing options, which I am personally the most excited about. They suggested I frame pictures, not necessarily with traditional frames, but using polymer clay or other objects and setting them around certain images to put the images into context. I thought this was SUCH a great idea, because the idea of traditional framing personally bores the pants off of me.
I told them about how I had researched Lincoln, and how I felt like when I was reading his letters time had folded in on itself, and though so many years have past, things are essentially the same. How one can connect with someone from so long ago. I told them that I felt like Abe was sort of my buddy, and I wanted to create this world where he could have fun and be carefree. There was a unified, "OHhhhhh" from the group. Because apparently before that, they were detecting a perverse quality to my drawings. LMAO. I must be one disturbed lady!
But they also thought that including the letters Lincoln wrote would be a good idea....maybe framing photocopies of the letters and keeping them seperate from the fun happy world, just to give my work more context. I'm still not sure how to go about this. It seemed a general consensus to keep them seperate and more serious. Someone suggested putting them into a book, and I really like that. But I also like the idea of them framed. I hve a lot of work ahead of me. LOL.
Jack also said he could imagine the drawings as an animation (unfortunately which I have no patience to do. I remember long, long nights in my animation class. hahaha), and then Bernhard said that I could create a series of images and place them sequentially to create that visual rhythmn of animation. I really liked that idea as well! Also in general everyone thought it was a good idea to mix the styles of my drawings. For instance, my cutesy ones with the more minimalistic little mini mes. I like this idea too because this way I don't get bored doing the same type of character over and over. As for my felt, Bernhard suggested I also incorporate some of the felt pieces :)
Twords the end, Bernhard said, it seems that the only rule is to go strange. LOL. That is right up my alley!
Now the issue is we all have to pick an area where to put our works for the grad show at the end of the semester. It seems like we're all not entirely sure where we want to go. So it's going to be a bit stressfull until everyone's settled into the right spots. Brooke suggested we wait for a month, for people to produce more work, so we each have a better idea of our space requirements.
Well, I'm not sure which direction to go in right now. I may just stick with the marker on kent drawings, smaller ones probably, since I don't have the money to buy paper or frames or anything just yet. I also was thinking of making some small polymer clay toasts with different toppings....jam, jelly, peanut butter, butter, and smiley faces. Hehehe.
Off I go to do some work!