I forgot to post pictures. It's evening now though, so I'll take some snaps tomorrow and post them up :) Hopefully I'll finish my third drawing tonite so that I can post pics of that up, too!
Chris is at a show tonite, meeting the possible bass player for Drifting Through. I hope that he's having a good time!
I was meant to work on my drawing but I got diverted and watched Sixteen Candles instead.
We had a bit of a weird day. We went and got Chris' new pedal, then off to Seb's to drop off a wonky amp and for Chris to make a trade with his guitar that Seb wanted back. Seb's girlfriend and kid are both really sweet and nice, and though initially I was nervous to talk to them, we found we had a bit in common so that was really cool. His daughter, Kasey (sp?) showed us a worm she found that she named Slimy and he kept trying to escape his little container. They also had a pet rat that she pulled out of the cage and put on her shoulder. It was beyond cute seeing this little girl working on paper dolls with a white and brown rat sitting on her shoulder. People really, truly fill me with awe sometimes!
On the drive home, Chris and I were talking about music (as usual! haha). It lead into a conversation about my strange nostalgia for the olden times, 50s and 60s. He said something that really made me smile...that my love for those times is so genuine and pure, and he sensed that about me since he met me.
Photo above is one of Miss Marilyn Monroe that I've never seen before. So cute!
I got the urge to listen to Tiger Army now. hehe. Also I should get going and work more on my drawing before C Man gets home.
<3! the world is amazing!! haha <3
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